WARZONE games are for all ages and levels of experience. Come and bring your family and friends for the most action-packed game in Australia: Gel blasters.

Warzone General Rules and Code of Conduct


  • Safety eye-wear must always be worn on the field
  • All Blasters must be concealed on arrival and departure. No mags on in the safety area.
  • Please LISTEN TO ALL directions given by the Referee or Staff.
  • Any person suspected of being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will NOT be allowed entry.
  • No Smoking inside the facility. There’s a smoking designated area outside the complex.
  • Our warning procedures are as followed – 1. Verbal – 2. Stood down for 10 minutes – 3. Asked to leave No Refund.
  • We have a no refund policy.
  • Covered Footwear.
  • Gel magazines are only to be inserted in the playing area.
  • No physical contact with another player or their Blaster.
  • A hit is when a Gel pellet hits any part of your body or Blaster. So as soon as you’re hit call out HIT and RAISE YOUR ARMS.
  • You may bring your own gels and we also provide Gels if you need them ($10/session for unlimited gels).
  • Always call your hits and tap the respawn button.
  • No Bang Bang Rule applies but at close range (less than 2m) do not aim to face or head.
  • Weapons with over 330fps cannot engage in close shooting (within 5 metres) for the safety of our players.
  • Friendly fire is still classed as a hit.
  • No head-shots.
  • No blind firing.
  • No Climbing, jumping over obstacle on the course.
  • No shooting the Ceiling or the dawn (to not contaminate the water and the fish).
  • When leaving the playing area always eject the magazine and clear the barrel.
  • The game is based on honesty but beware referees carry blasters and will test your integrity.
  • Have a great time!


1. Antisocial, disruptive or disorderly conduct will not be tolerated at any time. People who continue to be disruptive will be directed to leave the premises.

2. Arguments spoil the fun. Disputes between players should be reported to the Referee. Players whose behavior is considered unruly or offensive will be asked to leave.

At Warzone we have fun missions for all ages and groups up to 40 people for your best experience and fun. join our private parties or book your private session with your work coleagues, friends and family.

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