Before purchasing your gel blaster equipment, it is important to check the legislation of your state to ensure it’s legal to have it. Each state and territory possesses its own policies relevant to gel blasters. Currently, Warzone only sells gel blasters to Queensland and Western Austalia.


  • It is not an offence to possess a gel blaster in Queensland.
  • When possessing a gel blaster in a public place the item should be carried in a way that is not visible to the public, so it will not cause alarm to any person.
  • There are no restrictions on the sale of gel blasters in Queensland.
  • Use of gel blasters is a responsibility of the person in possession of the item.
  • It is an offence to modify a gel blaster if it has the capacity to fire ammunition as defined in the Explosive Regulation 2017.
  • You do not need a weapons licence to possess a gel blaster.
  • You cannot use a Gel Blaster on a paint pellet shooting gallery when paint ball guns are in use.

Further information:

Western Australia

Information from the Parliament of Western Australia

Question Without Notice No. 890 asked in the Legislative Council on 21 August 2019 by Hon Rick Mazza

Minister responding: Hon M.H. Roberts
Parliament: 40 Session: 1
Answered on 21 August 2019

890. Hon RICK MAZZA to the minister representing the Minister for Police:

I refer to gel blasters, which are plastic toy guns that shoot water-filled gel balls at around 250 feet per second.

(1) What is the legal status of gel blasters in Western Australia?

(2) If gel blasters are classified as firearms, is any consideration being given by the WA Police Force to change their status?


I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. The following answer has been provided to me by the Minister for Police.

(1) The Western Australia Police Force advises that gel blasters are not legal in Western Australia.

(2) The Western Australia Police Force is reviewing the legal status of gel blasters, taking into account their status in other states and territories.


Gel blasters are currently illegal in NSW, they are banned in New South Wales, you cannot own and buy it without firearm license.
In 2018, NSW Police announced gel blasters were classified as an air gun, thus defined as a firearm, and the gel balls were classified as ammunition.

South Australia

SA gel blaster owners need to be over 18, hold a licence and have the fake weapon registered, under new rules governing the imitation firearm. In SA gel blasters need to be declared as a regulated imitation firearm and can only be used at paintball facilities.


Under Victorian rules if a device can be mistaken for a working firearm based on its overall appearance, and does not have the functionality, it is classified as an imitation firearm.

Northern Territory

Under the Firearms Act NT, it is illegal to be in possession of these firearms. Non-firing imitation firearms are prohibited under the Weapons Act NT.

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